How to register with the municipality in Eindhoven

If you are reading this, it is likely that you are planning to stay in Eindhoven for more than 4 months. If that is the case, then it is important that you register with the municipality. We have outlined the steps you need to take to make it as easy as possible.
Step 1: Book an appointmentwith the municipality office by calling 14 040 within The Netherlands or +31 40 238 6000 from abroad.
Step 2: Make sure you have the following documents.
- Proof of identity; this can be a passport or if you are an EU resident, an identity card.
- Original birth certificate. They often ask for extra authentication called an apostille but this can be shown at a later date if necessary.
- Purchase agreement or rental agreement of your current address.
Step 3: If you don’t have a purchase or rental agreement because you are moving in with somebody else, you will need the following.
- Proof of identity from the owner or main occupant of your address.
- A written declaration stating that the owner / main occupant consents to you registering at their address. J
Step 4: Attend your appointment at the Residents’ Plaza (Inwonersplein) at the date and time agreed in step 1. The address is Stadskantoor, Stadhuisplein 10, 5611 EM, Eindhoven.
Step 5: Once the adviser has seen all of your documents, they will add them into their system and you should receive confirmation of registration and a BSN number (Citizen Service Number) in the post within 4 weeks. Most expats we meet say that this usually happens much faster.
Once you have your BSN number, you are officially a resident of Eindhoven and The Netherlands. We are so happy that you’ve joined us.